1d Black

Printing of the Penny Black postage stamp took place from April 1840 to February 1841, not even a full year.  Therefore all the Penny Black’s ever produced were printed within that short period. Since 1840 there has been a gradual loss of the penny black stamp, particularly in the early years up to 1880.  ~ There were few collectors until 1880, and as such 95% of all printed 1d Blacks, having already been destroyed.

Today, there is and only ever has been a dwindling supply of the famous Penny Black stamps, and that has resulted in a steady and healthy value increase.   

As the very first issued stamp in the world, the Penny Black is the most highly sought after postage stamp by stamp collectors and enthusiasts globally.

It is currently estimated there is 50 - 70 million stamp collectors worldwide. 

Of the 12 plates, plate 11, had the shortest print run and as such often missing from most collections.   

In 2008 a used set of the 12 plates of the Penny Black, would command a price tag of £1500, today (15 years later) it’s x3 times that figure showing a 200% increase in value. 

Mint examples of the penny black postage stamp are much harder to locate, Demand will always outstrip supply on 1d Blacks (penny blacks), whether the stamp is mint or used.

The other issue effecting values, is how the stamps ‘were’ cut, known as margins.  When you see a pair, it is easy to consider, how difficult it must have been to cut finely every time.